Fire Fighters
Every firefighter can tell you even the smallest details of their worst call — and most have more than one that comes back to haunt them. There has been increasing understanding and awareness about the impact not just of one or two bad calls, but of regularly responding to everyone's worst days
The critical incident can be much different than you usually face. Although law enforcement personnel are well trained; a critical incident is something they may not be prepared for. Personnel may be confronted by reactions and feelings rarely reported or discussed by their peers. Just as you allow yourself time to recover from a physical injury, it is important to accept your reactions after a critical incident.
Medics & EMTs
Have you ever returned from an intense call and felt you didn’t do enough to help that patient? Have you ever laid in bed at night unable to sleep because all you are seeing and thinking about when you close your eyes is that last call you were on? Have you responded to a serious call and it has brought you back to a call you were on years ago?
A survey by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found that about 5% of all businesses experienced an incident of workplace violence each year, with this rate being much higher at 50% for larger size organizations with over 1,000 workers.1 An average of 5 violent crimes are committed at work each year per 1,000 employees in the US.